Join us as we love and serve the Lord

Lord and Tailor Thrift Shop

Lord and Tailor Thrift Shop is a Christian Ministry of All Saints open to all.  The Shop provides high quality clothing at reduced prices and for those in special need for free.  Lord and Tailor is staffed entirely by volunteers.  All proceeds go to All Saints and numerous local and regional charities.

Lord and Tailor is co-located with the L.I.F.E. Ministries Food Pantry at 264 South Main Street, Wolfeboro, New Hampshire just next door to All Saints Episcopal Church.

The hours of Lord and Tailor are Thursday and Friday from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm and on Saturdays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm



Welcome Team: Joanne Crowe, Carolyn Sundquist, Alexander Dunford, Joyce Lake.

Volunteers are always needed during our worship services for Greeters, Ushers, Lectors, and Presentors.


Altar Guild: Sue Harding and Carolyn Sundquist

Altar Guild is a labor of love quietly done before and after a service. It is satisfying to contribute to the worship service through this work.

Eucharistic Ministers: Dianne Wasmuth

This group of parishioners has the privilege to assist our Rector at serving the Eucharist every Sunday and for other occasions such as funerals, memorial services and weddings where communion is present. The Eucharistic Ministers are Licensed Ministers of the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire. We have been trained to perform ministerial roles for our church family, The schedule is set up at six month intervals. We also meet with the Rector periodically to refresh our skills and emphasize the spiritual nature of our ministry.

Flower Guild: Linda Siracusa

The All Saints Flower Guild provides weekly altar and “shelf “ arrangements, except during Lent. Members meet once a year to review our work and discuss how things are going– important since we work alone.

Topics include sources of flowers and greens, containers, how to keep oasis damp for re-use and keeping the shelf looking fresh. Thanks to the church garden improvements, we often do no need to buy flowers-we cut our own.

Women's Wisdom: Cate McMahon

Founded by Louise Graham, Susan Langle, and Cate McMahon, and now in its 26th year, the Women’s Worship group has more than 20 members, meeting Tuesday mornings at 9:00am via Zoom. This brief service of Morning Prayer modified includes opening sentences; a read-around psalm or psalm- prayer from one of several translations; brief readings from scripture or one or more contemporary spiritual writers; intercessory prayers, and a reflection, followed by coffee and conversation.

Men's Bible Study: Art Slocum

The All Saints Men’s Bible Study meets each week with a few exceptions for holidays. We review the upcoming readings for the following Sunday service and study them in order to gain greater insight into the meaning of these words at the time they were written and what they mean to us today. Each member does their own study prior to each meeting so we often come to different interpretations and conclusions that inform our faith and beliefs.


Education for Ministry (EfM): Susan Fuller and Linda Brown

Participants in the EfM program study the entire sweep of the Christian tradition from the earliest period to the present. Participants learn the disciplines of biblical exegesis and interpretation, systematic theology, church history, ethics, liturgics, and ascetical theology.

The traditional content is not studied in a vacuum. Participants belong to small "communities of learning" in which the events of each person's life may be examined in the lightof the materials being studied. While the course materials provide substantial academic content, the focus of the program is on life as ministry and understanding that ministry. EfM provides Christians with that basic skill which is the foundation of all Christian ministry -- theologicalreflection. In doing this, participants sharpen their skills of personal and cultural assessment and enhance abilities to be effective in a variety of ministries.(from website)

Linda Brown states “… it has deeply enriched my life and my faith with a deeper understanding of tradition, and practice.  We meet as a group on line throughout the year.  Our mentors are Priests who live in New York.  We meet on a platform that allows us to see and communicate with each other and find the support needed to develop in a meaningful way. There is a a lot of reading, self-reflection and meaningful sharing with other seekers.  Every year there is an opportunity to join this group. …”

Sunday School: Danielle Pierpont

Wolfeboro Reads: Pastors Bill Petersen (ASEC) and Dawn Adams (FCCW)

Pastor Bill meets Tuesdays for discussion and sharing around a common read. Wolfeboro Reads meets each week (with some exceptions), from 4:00-5:30 pm via zoom. The group will spend a few weeks on each book read.   

Wolfeboro Serves Interfaith Youth Group: Pastor Dawn Adams (FCCW), Pastor Bill Petersen (ASEC) and Maria Found (Brewster Academy)


Choir: Kristina Kulish

Music plays an important role in the worship at All Saints.  Prior to the pandemic, at the 10:00 Sunday worship service, the Senior Choir processes into the church and leads the congregation in singing beautiful traditional hymns and musical responses.  Each week they also sing a special offertory piece.  The choir is traditionally accompanied by the organ or piano, but may also include drums, guitar, flute or brass instruments. 


Annual Meeting Brunch: The Vestry

As part of the Annual Meeting, The Vestry provides a light breakfast for the church community as the Annual Report is presented.

Coffee Hours:

Many members of the Church Community enjoy providing a light coffee hour after each service. This weekly event enhances All Saints’ community relationship of friendship and support with one another.

Hospitality and Parish Life Ministry: Carol Simpson

The hospitality ministry is to oversea some committees that are held at our church. Some of these committees are: Funeral Coordination, Outreach, Dinner Bell, Pot Luck Suppers and many more committees that bring our church members together for socialization and spiritual support.  The Episcopal Christian Women (ECW) is open to all churchwomen plan for church suppers to make profits for the missions supported by the church.

Memorial Receptions: Jane Newcomb and Sandi Johnson

Outreach Luncheons: Marge Morris and Sandi Johnson

This once a month luncheon hosted here at All Saints with meal preparation being shared among area churches. These meals are held September, October, November, February, March, April and May and open to any area nursing or group homes. Churches that participate are St. Katharine Drexel, Melvin Village Community Church, First Congregational Church-Center Ossipee, First Congregational Church – Wolfeboro, Tuftonboro United Methodist Church, First Baptist Church of Wolfeboro and All Saints. Marge Morris and Sandi Johnson chair this ministry with the help of many All Sainter’s that setup, serve and clean up.

Safe Church: Debra Hoyt, Safe Church Minister

Safe Church Ministry equips congregations in abuse awareness, prevention, and response. We help build communities where the value of each person is honored; where people are free to worship and grow free from abuse; and where abuse has occurred, the response is compassion and justice that foster healing

EPISCOPAL CHURCH WOMEN: Vicki Vivian and Dianne Wasmuth

All women of All Saints are members of Episcopal Church Women (ECW), a church organization providing fellowship and support for its members as well as raising funds to support All Saints and other outreach efforts, local, national and worldwide. Sue Adams and Dianne Wasmuth are Co-chairs.


Helping Hands: Georgia Mosher

Helping Hands is a group bringing meals and support to All Saints' parishioners undergoing medical procedures, suffering illness or having other needs.  

Altar Flower Delivery: Lynne Slocum

Altar Flower Delivery to parishioners undergoing medical issues, celebrating birthdays or anniversaries or who have any other need that is made better by flowers and visits.

Pastoral Care Team: Joanne Crowe, Pastor Bill Petersen, Danielle Pierpont, and Arlene Salzgeber

Our rector and trained laypersons are available for home and hospital visits for anyone who is preparing  for or recovering from medical issues, grieving, home-bound, or in need of spiritual accompaniment.

Prayer Chain Ministry: Danielle Pierpont

All Saints’ has an active prayer team that prays for those on our prayer list and private concerns of those in our faith community, family members, or friends that are raised. The Prayer Chain purpose is to hold before God the names and needs of persons who are held in strict confidence among the members of the group. 

Prayer Concerns (public prayer list): Deb Hoyt

All Saints’ maintains a list of those in our faith community, family members, or friends of the congregation in need of prayer. We print this weekly in our Sunday worship bulletin for you to take home as a reminder of people in need for your daily prayers.


L.I.F.E. Ministries Food Pantry: Judy Cole and Gail Holm

LIFE Ministries Food Pantry was established 33 years ago by a small group of women working out of a church basement on Union Street. They had a soup kitchen and food pantry for neighbors in need. A 1986 article in the Granite State News stated that they gave out 15 turkeys with all of the fixings for a Thanksgiving dinner. In 2018 we have 759 qualified clients that come from 25 communities.

Lord & Tailor Thrift Shop:  Pam Uthenwoldt and Candace Tordonato

Lord & Tailor resells clothing to support our community outreach and many ministries at prices that make shopping an adventure! We clothe our neighbors in need as Jesus commands, from refugees, new Americans and those referred to us by local churches and welfare offices. We are good stewards and recycle those items that are damaged, dirty, or out-of-style by giving them to other charitable organizations.

Missions Outreach Team (MOT): Carol Simpson, Deb Bunting and Bill Meyer

The Mission Outreach Team (MOT) is an arm of the All Saints vestry and is tasked with researching and recommending to the vestry expenditure of available mission dollars to appropriate organizations and funding levels. Recommendations reflect the team’s guidelines for responding to needs locally, nationally, and internationally, as well as providing support for environmental sustainability efforts when an appropriate project is identified.

The Team has focused particularly on the needs of refugees and immigrants at all levels and, locally, on the needs of children and families within the school district. Besides financial support, MOT provides and encourages in-kind assistance and individual volunteer efforts by its members and all the parishioners and other outreach efforts of All Saints Church.

Dinner Bell: Lucy Hancock, Carol Simpson, Pastor Bill

This weekly community meal is offered on Thursdays at 5:00 pm (August-May). It is funded by the Town of Wolfeboro, occasional grants, donations from patrons and the Rector’s Discretionary Fund. It is a wonderful time of gathering and conversation and has strong history here since starting in 2008. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered or prepared desserts.

Welcome Team Ministry: Carol Simpson

The Welcome Team’s responsibility is to always provide visitors and new members a feeling of being welcomed. This team is present at Sunday Worship to provide name tags to visitors. It is a simple role yet a very important for our congregation.

Medical Equipment Ministry: Joanne Crowe

This ministry makes available medical equipment to borrow. If you are in need of borrowing some equipment, please contact the All Saints Office or Joanne Crowe. The list of equipment available is wheel chair, walkers, crutches, and knee scooter. Equipment is available for extra tall people.


Building and Grounds Committee:  Bob Christmas, Junior Warden

Memorial Garden:  Linda Siracusa

Our church gardens have been maintained by the following group of Church Members: Louise Graham, Sue Adams, Geoff Blackett, Joanne Crowe, Joyce Lake, Connie Mitchell, Susan Fuller and Linda Siracusa.

Solar Saints: Doug Smithwood and Susan Fuller


All Saints is committed to communicating with church members and the local community. The missions below make that communication possible by using multiple media sources.

Weekly E-News: Debra Hoyt, editor, Carolyn Sundquist and Alex Dunford. assistant editors and Christy Parker, photographer.

All Saints Website: Debra Hoyt, Pastor Bill

Photography: Christy Parker

Video/Live Streaming: Ralph Simons, Clint Brown, Bill Meyer, Skip Hancock, and Cee Gandolfo


Finance Committee: William Woodard, Treasurer

Stewardship Committee: Vestry

Summer Fair: Vestry

The Summer Fair is an All Saints tradition that helps us serve the community of Wolfeboro and the Lakes Region. The fair includes baked goods, white elephant tables, plant sales, a place to receive prayer requests, and of course delicious food. All proceeds help support the outreach and service ministries of All Saints.


  • Alcoholics Anonymous

  • Al-Anon: for families and friends of alcoholics

  • Dinner Bell Community Meal

  • Dress-A-Girl Around the World

  • End 68-Hours of Hunger

  • L.I.F.E. Ministry Food Pantry

  • Wolfeboro Cooperative Nursery School


  • Bridge Group

  • BSA Troop 0165 sponsored by Wolfeboro Lions Club

  • Cate Park Band

  • Knitting Group

  • Lakes Region Newcomers

  • Photography Group

  • Scrabble Group

  • Stamp Club

  • Table Tennis Group

  • Wolfeboro Garden Club