The Special Music of Lent and Holy Week (virtual)
The Sunday of the Passion/Palm Sunday
March 28th - Livestream Worship at 9:00 am on Facebook
Communion and Palms available in the parking lot Noon-1:00 pm
Holy Wednesday
March 31st at 12 noon: Holly re-releases Lenten Piano Meditations as a dedication to her mother and to bless your Holy Week. You can link to it below or at
Maundy Thursday
April 1st - Livestream Worship at 7:00 pm on Facebook
Good Friday
April 2nd - Livestream Worship at Noon on Facebook
Holy Saturday
April 3rd – Socially Distanced Worship at 7:00 pm in person in the parking lot
The Day of the Resurrection/Easter Sunday
April 4th - Livestream Worship at 9:00 am on Facebook. Communion available in the parking lot Noon-1:00 pm
All videos also available below and hosted at YouTube, 24 hours after the service.