Christmas 2020 and New Year’s Sunday

December 20, 2020 The Fourth Sunday of Advent

Our main worship offering this week is an invitation to join us live online (only) at (FB account NOT required, but you may have to close/defer up to 2 prompts that ask you to join) at 9 AM for our Advent Eucharist from the sanctuary. Rev William Petersen, our pastor and celebrante, is joined by Eucharistic Minister, Susan Fuller, and Minister of Music, Holly Simons. The video is also uploaded to YouTube and linked below later in the day. The sermon starts at 11:15 (direct link) on the time line. The hymns are People Look East and O Come, O Come Emmanuel. The organ prelude is People Look East, arranged by Roger Lau. The bulletin for this service is here.

Also, Sacred Sing this past Wednesday was an instrumental presentation of Christmas music, provided by Claudia Bissett, Paul Dostie and Holly Simons, with a brief introduction by Holly. Enjoy!

December 13, 2020 The Third Sunday of Advent

Our main worship offering this week is an invitation to join us live online (only) at (FB account NOT required, but you may have to close/defer up to 2 prompts that ask you to join) at 9 AM for our Advent Eucharist from the sanctuary. We welcome our Bishop Rev Robert Hirschfeld as our celebrant as our Pastor, Rev William Petersen, stands by. They are accompanied by this morning’s Eucharistic Minister, Bob Parker, and Minister of Music, Holly Simons. The video is also uploaded to YouTube and linked below later in the day. The sermon starts at 11:32 (direct link). The hymns are Come, Thou Long Expect Jesus and Prepare the Royal Highway. The organ prelude is Break Forth In Joy by JS Bach. The bulletin for this service is here.

Also, Sacred Sing this past Wednesday included a lot of Christmas music you love, ranging from songs like "Winter Wonderland" and "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" to "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing" and "O Holy Night"..... no stories, just lots of singing together (not all the verses though! :0)..... Enjoy!

December 6, 2020 The Second Sunday of Advent

Our main worship offering this week is an invitation to join us live online (only) at (FB account NOT required, but you may have to close/defer up to 2 prompts that ask you to join) at 9 AM for our Advent Eucharist from the sanctuary. Our Celebrant and Pastor, Rev William Petersen, is accompanied by Eucharistic Minister, Christy Parker, and Minister of Music, Holly Simons. The video is also uploaded to YouTube and linked below later in the day. The sermon begins at 12:21 (direct link). The hymns are Hark the Thrilling Voice Is Sounding and Sleepers Awake! A Voice Astounds Us. The organ prelude is O Come, O Come Emmanuel featuring Claudia Biseett on flute. The bulletin for this service is here.

 Advent Piano: Reflections on the Coming of the Messiah

An Advent variation on Sacred Sing! is offered tonight, Wednesday December 2! Ralph and I recorded a half hour of quiet, reflective piano music, based on familiar hymns. All 7 pieces are accompanied by lovely Advent/winter pictures; but this can also be used effectively as an audio encouragement, listening while cooking or reading (preferably with some candles lit nearby :0). A blessing from our home to yours! Holly Simons